
Thin Walls = Not Cool

One thing I hate about on-campus apartments: thin walls. I was sitting here on Facebook minding my own business when I heard one of my roommates and her boyfriend having sex. Um, yeah, I totally didn't need to hear any of that. Why did I hear it you ask? I had music going in the background and it was in the middle of a transition to another song and that was when I heard it. Good thing most sexual intercourse lasts about a few minutes. Haha. As I'm typing this one of them just went to the bathroom. Whew, I'm ignoring any awkwardness in this. Moving on...

I'm starting a new crochet project: driving gloves.

Oh yea, so I joined Ravelry. If you want to look me up and friend me my username is PVeeraplin. That seems to be my username for a lot of websites. Okay, back to work on this project.

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