
Can't Wait To Get My Own Place

After living for 4.5 years on-campus with roommates, I can't wait to have my own place after graduation. There are certain pet peeves that every year at least one roommate does and it drives me a bit batty. I'll list them. If you're living with someone, please be courteous and respectful to them and learn from these pet peeves.
  • Not cleaning up after themselves - this includes all shared spaces such as the kitchen, the bathroom, and the living room. This should just be the topic of this rant.
  • Leaving personal items in the living room - you have a closet in your bedroom for this purpose and leaving your stuff all over the living room makes it messy. I have to apologize to guests and shove other people's things out of the way to make sitting room.
  • Putting pots and pans in the dishwasher - yes, using the dishwasher supposedly saves water, but when you're putting huge objects that should be hand washed into it, you're wasting space and not using the dishwasher efficiently.
  • Not maximizing the space in the dishwasher - I usually end up going back into the dishwasher and organizing it before running it because people don't understand how to stack thing in it properly.
  • Leaving the Brita empty - that's great that you drink a lot of water, but hey, when you are the last to use the Brita and there's about an inch of water left over, just fill it up. It takes about 7 secs, maybe 10.
  • Eating my food - it doesn't happen often since I label my things in the refrigerator. I found bread crumbs in my butter the other day and I know for a fact that I never do that. I also never dig gorges into my butter. I like to level it off. Thanks for using my stuff, at least be sneaky about it.
  • Using my stuff and not cleaning up right away - I have about one of everything (kitchenware) and when you use things and leave it dirty, I can't use it. Chances are you don't have it too so now I have to clean the mess you left behind just to use something that belongs to me. Not cool.
To sum it up - clean up after yourself and be respectful of other's property. If I use someone else's stuff I make sure I clean up right away so that they can use it when they want. If you have the time to cook, you should have the time to clean. Having your friends or significant other over doesn't mean you can't clean up. When I have my sister and/or my boyfriend over, we clean up right away. Saves the time to clean up later when everything is stuck on and you're aggravating others by leaving a mess behind. That's my rant for now. I should write a book about roommate etiquette. Meh.

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